Monday, May 9, 2016

Smile!... but don't look at the camera

This past weekend me and my best old pal took a photography courses so we could stop being basic and start learning about these very expensive cameras we have purchased. GTA Photography in Toronto was a great experience. I love the "Field Trip" we got to take aka walk around the city and try and take pictures on something other then the automatic setting. The course was a Saturday Sunday class. I wish we had done that both days but I understand the technical stuff is important too...
Topics we covered.

  • Aperture
  • Shutter Speed
  • ISO
Nikon light balance
Exposure Meter

As you can see I am still working on my tendency to over expose

Goal: Make the back ground clear and the object close to you, in this case the fence, blurry
My favorite model
Here are a couple more

Being in Toronto allows us to see our other amigo, Shauna! We stuffed our very hungry faces at La Carnita and went home and crashed in front of How to be Single (only 52% on Rotten Tomatoes but 100% to us).

Bye for Now!